TagPro League

Recent TagPro League News: Welcome to TagPro League, we hope you enjoy it! MLTP: Message "!mltp" to ttoc_bot to sign up! ELTP: ELTP is currently being updated, stay tuned! OLTP: Congratulations to both The Cap-22s and Capper's Delight for winning S17 of OLTP! NLTP: Message "!mltp" to TToC_Bot to sign up for season 33!

Balls Gone Wild - Episode 1

by Acapuck

Every day, dozens of some balls abruptly quit the game, never to be seen or heard from again. Where did they go? What do they do now? Are they safe? How are they adjusting to a life without TagPro? In a quest to find some answers to these pressing questions, I dispatched a team of top private investigators into the real world to help uncover the roll truth. Now, it's time for me to reveal some of my findings in this ongoing segment.

This red ball is fielding a new dream in color commentary.

This blue ball said he was done playing games. That was a lie.

This red ball is obese and can no longer enjoy daily activities.

This blue ball is trying to fix her watch, but she needs a hand.

This red ball has found a promising career in political activism.

This blue ball thinks he's found a lover, but she's just using him.

This red ball somehow fathered two children. Congratulations!

This blue ball is blind and hates elephants, so let's keep this a secret.

This red ball stole the spikes on Velocity. Please give them back.

Have you seen a ball gone wild? Send Acapuck your submissions and they may be featured in a future episode!